LDC is known for providing top notch business advisory and accurate business data to all clients. Our business offerings are supported by a team of compassionate and dedicated professionals who have rich knowledge and experience in their respective domains.

LDC DATA SERVICES LTD is incoporated under companies Act of Ghana 2019(Act 992) dated 29th day of December 2021.
In the Credit Reporting Bureau, Business Information Services, International Company Reporting.


Name of Directors, shareholders, partners, sole proprietor's capital structure and share holdings, Names and job titles of senior company personnel

Date of establishment or Incorporation, Registration number and trading style. Registration address, Affiliates Subsidiaries and associates, Historical information, changes in ownership.

Full details of business activities, Equipment employed description and location of premises details of branches. Number of employess.

Extract from full financial statement (if available) obtain from original registries or direct from the company. Registered mortgage and charges, Bankers Auditors.

An opinion based on payment experience of local or international trade suppliers, Banks, Knowm Public record details or any court action or protested bills.

NORMAL:Full report delivered to you by Email within one week.
EXPRESS:Full report delivered to you by Email by 3-4 days or sooner. All report are supplied in English and French

You may send us order for report by email the following is norally required (i.e.)Normal or Express.
Full names and address of the subject of enquiry including any extra relevant details such as telephone number, email, company registration number etc.to help us in tracing the subject. If required the amount of proposed credit or minimum credit on which specific opinion is requested. Your company and reference for billing purposes.

All our charges for overseas reports are in our price list, though we reserve the right to amendany specific charge.
Charges of overseas report may be paid at your option either in sterling or Dollars.
Charges for Ghana report are payable in cedis. For credit customers invoice are sent monthly in Arrears and are payable on receipt. For all other customers payment in full is requested at time you order your report.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information giving in our report are accurate, no legal responsibility are accepted by LDC DATA SERVICE LTD, OR it employees, associates or agents for any error, Omission or opinion contained in the text.

Information is provided by LDC DATA SERVICE LTD in strict confidence for customers own internal use only.

The copyright any intellectual property right in any iformation, whether printed, writing, oral, in machine readable form, or stored online or offline in a computer database, are and remain the property of LDC DATA SERVICE LTD.